
Facelifts in Denver

Denver Facelift


No matter who you are, aging of the face is unavoidable. As we age, the thin skin of our face and neck begins to loosen and sag. This loosening manifests itself in the natural creases of our face. Crow’s feet appear. We develop deep furrows in our foreheads. The tissue in our jawline softens, and skin folds appear on our necks. These are all the unfortunate result of the natural aging process of our bodies.

Certain factors can also attribute to an accelerated aging process. Factors such as your genetics, habits such as smoking, and sun exposure all contribute to an advanced appearance.

For those of us who still feel youthful inside, but have succumbed to the effects of aging, there are ways to regain radiance in your appearance. One of those options is through a facial rejuvenation process called a facelift.

A facelift is the procedure of choice to reverse changes to the face and neck associated with aging, such as:

  • Wrinkles
  • Sagging skin
  • Loss of muscle tone
  • Loss of volume
  • Deepening of facial folds
  • Droopy jowls
  • Neck bands
  • Skin laxity in the neck

There are four basic types of facelifts: mini-liftstandard facelift and full facelift and the latest technique SmartLifts™. Each is designed to address some or all of the changes listed above to different degrees. Patients are typically individuals in their 40’s to 80’s, who desire a return of their youthful features.

Although no two patients are the same, almost all patients can be treated by one type of facelift or the other. The key is to identify the changes from aging that have occurred and the goals of the patient.

A number of considerations determine which facelift is best for a patient, all of which will be discussed with Dr. Khoury. They include, but are not limited to:

  • Age
  • Degree of change
  • Social factors
  • Previous procedures
  • Patient’s desires and goals

For example, a patient might not have significant changes associated with aging but may desire a preventative approach to maintain his or her youthful features. Another patient might already have had a facelift but wishes for a touch up.

In addition, any of the four types of facelifts can be combined with other facial procedures to enhance the overall result. A neck tightening procedure is the most common companion to a facelift, and they usually complement each other well.
No matter which type of facelift a patient undergoes with Dr. Khoury, he or she can expect the following::

  • A natural look – not looking “operated on” or pulled
  • Concealed incisions
  • Unaltered hairline
  • No need for general anesthesia for most cases
  • Safe procedure with minimal risks
  • Restoration of youthful features


A mini-lift is a great choice for younger patients who want to reverse early signs of aging. A mini-lift is considered a facelift, but it is more limited in scope because it need not address more extensive aging changes.
Recipients of a mini facelift will experience:

  • Rejuvenation of the jaw line
  • Tightening of loose skin
  • Softening of deep folds,
  • Improved neck laxity.

It is performed through limited incisions in front of the ear. To be effective, the muscle layer (known as SMAS in medical terms) is addressed, as this is the building block to any facelift. Recovery is usually relatively quick, and most patients can resume public life in 5 to 7 days. The procedure itself does not take very long and is performed under local anesthetic with some oral sedation to alleviate any anxiety.

It is possible to combine a mini-lift with other procedures to deliver a full facelift result for the appropriate patient. A few examples of such combinations include:

  • Mini-lift and midface lift
  • Mini-lift and liposculpting
  • Mini-lift and neck tightening procedure

Face Lift in Denver- Patient Photo 1

*Results May Vary



A standard facelift is the most commonly performed type of facelift and will suit the needs of most patients. It will address almost all of the aging changes with few exceptions. It tightens the skin, defines the jaw line, improves the neck, softens deep facial creases, and restores youthful contours to the face.

A standard facelift is performed through incisions placed around the ear and into the hairline, all of which are well concealed. It will not alter the sideburn area, and it will not change the hairline. The muscle layer (SMAS) is addressed to produce the desired outcome and longevity of result. Recovery is slightly longer than for a mini-lift, typically 7 to 10 days before resuming public life. It may be performed under any anesthetic setting (local, sedated, or general), providing the patient with several different options.

Face Lift in Denver - Patient Photo 2

*Results May Vary

A standard facelift can be combined with other procedures to yield further improvements. One common complement is a platysmaplasty, which is a type of neck tightening procedure. It is the procedure of choice to address visible neck bands (also known as “turkey neck”). It involves a small incision under the chin within the natural skin crease, through which loose muscle is tightened. The procedure tremendously enhances the overall result by really defining the neck, and it does not add to the recovery time.

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*Results May Vary

Another complementary procedure for patients with fuller necks is liposculpting. It is performed through a tiny (less than 1 cm) incision under the chin within the natural skin crease. It permits removal of fat and re-establishes definition to the neck. It does not extend the recovery time and also does not add much to the total surgical time when performed in combination with a facelift.

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*Results May Vary


A full facelift is also known as a deep plane facelift. It addresses the same aging changes as a standard facelift, but it also adds improvements to the midface area, namely the cheeks. The incisions are the same as those used in a standard facelift. The difference is in how the muscle layer (SMAS) is addressed. Recovery usually takes 10 to14 days. It is typically performed under general anesthetic, but it can be done in a lesser setting, depending on the patient. A neck tightening procedure is almost always performed with the full facelift.

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*Results May Vary

Facelifts are a great way to restore youthful features to an aging face. Much advancement has occurred since the early days of the procedure. Exceptional results can be achieved with less discomfort and quicker recovery times. The days of a “pulled” look and a month-long recovery are long past. A facelift is not a one-size-fits-all procedure, but rather must be tailored to the unique features of each individual patient. In the right hands, it is an art and is truly Dr. Khoury’s passion.


(Laser or Ultrasound Based)

Latest Technique, A Minimally Invasive Approach to FaceLifts

Smartlifting™ is the newest and most exciting facelifting technique to be introduced in over 20 years. Using the SmartLipo laser, made by Cynosure, patients can now experience a laser-assisted facelifting procedure that produces better results than traditional facelift procedures, at a dramatically reduced discomfort to patients. Dr. Khoury has recently expanded this technique to utilize VASER ultrasound technology achieving similar, if not superior results. Dr. Khoury is one of only five to seven surgeons in the U.S. performing this technique. He is the only one in Denver using either method in conjunction with a facelift. This combination of proven aesthetic principles with a new advanced technology provides a wide range of benefits to the patient. These include:

  • Faster recovery
  • Increased safety with local anesthesia
  • Less swelling and bruising
  • Often better results than traditional facelifts
  • Great alternative to the Lifestyle Lift™

Learn more about this revolutionary new procedure:

  • SmartLifting™ — Laser Assisted FaceLift or VASER Assisted FaceLift
  • SmartLifting™ — UltraLift
  • Non-Surgical Laser SmartLift – Laser Facial Sculpting™
  • Non-Surgical VASER SmartLift – VASER Facial Sculpting

Frequently Asked Questions About Facelift Surgery?

Am I a candidate for a facelift?

Candidates for facelift surgery are healthy men and women who are bothered by the aging of their face. Those interested in facelift surgery should have realistic expectations for their results.

How long is my recovery after facelift surgery?

Most patients recover relatively quickly after facelift surgery. It is usually recommended to take between one and two weeks off from work and two week of of exercise. However, some activities can be resumed sooner. During your consultation, Dr. Khoury will break down what you can expect from your recovery period, including when you can shower, sleep on your side, return to work, and resume strenuous exercise.

Will my facelift results be permanent?

Your facelift results will last for many years as long as they are well-maintained. Experiencing frequent sun exposure and following an unhealthy lifestyle will cause your results to fade faster than someone who takes good care of their skin and their health. Facelift surgery cannot stop the aging process, and you will continue to show signs of age. You will, however, always look younger than if you did not have the surgery.

Should I combine facial rejuvenation procedures?

Facelift surgery may be performed alone, or it can be combined with other facial rejuvenation surgeries for better, more balanced results. While facelift surgery is almost always performed alongside a neck lift, it may also be combined with eyelid surgery.

How much does facelift surgery cost?

Facelift surgery is customized to each patient’s needs. Your total facelift cost will include the type of facelift performed, anesthesia fees, facility fees, and surgical fees. We offer complimentary consultations so Dr. Khoury has a chance to meet you and evaluate your needs.  A surgical quote will be provided at this time.

Is there a non-surgical alternative to a facelift?

While many non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments provide excellent anti-aging results, no non-surgical treatment can achieve the same level of correction as a facelift. Facelift surgery, whether you undergo a mini lift or a full facelift, targets and tightens the underlying facial tissues as well as the skin, leading to lasting rejuvenation and results.

A facial rejuvenation procedure can be a life-changing experience, improving the way that you feel about yourself and giving you a sense of confidence and well being. Dr. Khoury is an expert in facial rejuvenation techniques and will work with you to determine the procedures that will be best for you. It is important to recognize that for all medical procedures, including the procedures performed by Dr. Khoury, individual results and experiences may vary. Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Khoury today!

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