Did you know that altitude can affect the healing process after cosmetic surgery? At Denver Cosmetic Surgery, we know this to be accurate; after all, our office is nearly 5,500 feet above sea level! In this blog, we’ll go over what you need to know about recovering from surgery at high altitude and tips to ensure that you heal quickly and with optimal results.
Can High Altitude Affect the Healing Process After Cosmetic Surgery?
The short answer is yes; higher altitude can affect healing after cosmetic surgery. For out-of-town patients, you may feel the effects of altitude more acutely. The effects may be minimal if you are a Colorado resident, as your body is already acclimated to living a mile above sea level (or higher).
However, it’s worth remembering that your body must work a little harder to recover at higher altitudes, so you may need to be a bit more patient as you wait to see your final results. Below, we go over some essential tips for recovering after cosmetic surgery in Colorado to help lower your chances for complications and ensure your results are as expected.
Stay Hydrated
Colorado is considered a “high desert” climate, which is a fancy way of saying it doesn’t get much rain. Its location (far from any large bodies of water) also contributes to the dryness, as does the fact that colder air holds less moisture than warm air. So whether it’s summer in Colorado and there’s very little rain, or it’s winter and the cold air isn’t holding moisture, the bottom line is that Coloradoans need to drink a LOT of water.
Staying adequately hydrated is critical when you’re recovering after cosmetic surgery. Some of the ways drinking water speeds your recovery along include:
- Encouraging blood flow and circulation
- Moving your digestive system to stave off constipation often caused by pain medication
- Reducing swelling and inflammation
- Transporting nutrients to the incision site for better wound healing
Engage in Gentle Movement
Colorado is consistently ranked at the top of the list of the most active states in the U.S. We love to hike, bike, ski, and run during all times of the year. And while you may be committed to your active hobbies or exercise regimen, recovery from cosmetic surgery is a time to dial it back.
Taking short, slow walks around your house encourages blood flow, keeps your digestive system moving, and helps to keep blood clots from forming. Being at a higher altitude means that your heart has to work harder to pump blood, so whatever small steps you can (literally) take to help the process are helpful. Again, proper wound healing requires nutrient-rich blood, so good circulation is key.
In general, most cosmetic surgeons require you to refrain from strenuous activities for at least two to four weeks after your surgery. Depending on the type of cosmetic surgery you undergo, you may be able to return to light exercise within a couple of weeks after surgery. Just make sure you don’t overdo it—listen to your body, make time for rest, and follow your surgeon’s instructions.
Stay Elevated
Speaking of elevation, while high altitude may affect the healing process after cosmetic surgery, a different kind of elevation is your friend during recovery. After cosmetic surgery, you will typically have quite a bit of swelling. Keeping the surgical site elevated helps reduce existing swelling and minimize swelling overall.
When preparing a recovery area at home for after your cosmetic surgery, make sure you have a comfortable place to rest and enough pillows to help elevate while you recuperate.
Learn More About Cosmetic Surgery in Denver, CO
At Denver Cosmetic Surgery, we understand the challenges of healing after cosmetic surgery, whether from a facelift or eyelid surgery. That’s why Dr. Edmon Khoury provides each of his patients with detailed post-surgical instructions. He and our trained and experienced staff are available to address your questions and concerns before your surgery and during recovery, ensuring that you are well-cared for and receive the stunning results you expect. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (720) 475-8400 or complete the online contact form.